Dental emergencies can occur unexpectedly, causing discomfort and anxiety. Knowing how to handle a dental emergency promptly can make a significant difference in preventing further complications and minimizing pain. In this blog post, we will guide you through...
The renowned Roman periodontist, Dr. Giuseppe Cicero, has recently been awarded the prestigious “Premio Firenze Donna – In Onore dell’Italia che ci Onora” for his extraordinary work in the United States in the field of periodontology. This...
Renowned periodontologist Dr. Giuseppe Cicero has received a prestigious invitation as a guest lecturer at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, within the specialization course in Periodontology. The invitation comes as a recognition of Dr. Cicero’s...
An honor for Giuseppe Cicero to have been invited among some amazing Italian Innovators and Entrepreneurs to meet the Italian Prime Minister at the Italian Consolate in...
Dr. Giuseppe Cicero has been interviewed by “La Repubblica” on January 20, 2019. THEY CALL ME DOCTOR FORBES FOR BEING SUCCESFUL IN THE FIELD OF MEDICINE, BUT INSIDE ME THERE’S THE SICILIAN GRINT. Check out the full interview on this link...