Crown Lengthening

Enhance your smile with the most advanced crown lengthening procedures. Learn more and schedule your consultation today!

At our clinic in Rome, we specialize in providing exceptional dental care to enhance both the health and aesthetics of your smile. Our Crown Lengthening Services are designed to address various dental concerns and improve the overall appearance of your teeth. This page offers valuable insights into the world of crown lengthening and how it can benefit you.

What is Crown Lengthening:

Crown lengthening is a surgical dental procedure that involves reshaping the gum and bone tissue around a tooth. This treatment is performed for both functional and cosmetic reasons and is often recommended in the following scenarios:

  • Excessive Gum Tissue: If you have a “gummy smile” or excessive gum tissue covering your teeth, crown lengthening can expose more of the tooth’s surface, creating a more balanced and attractive smile.
  • Tooth Decay or Fractures: In cases where a tooth is fractured or has severe decay below the gumline, crown lengthening can expose more of the tooth for proper restoration.
  • Dental Crowns or Veneers: To ensure a stable and secure fit for dental crowns or veneers, crown lengthening may be necessary to provide ample tooth structure for these restorations.

Our Services:

Functional Crown Lengthening:

We perform this procedure to access and repair damaged or decayed teeth, ensuring that dental restorations are securely placed.

Aesthetic Crown Lengthening:

This cosmetic procedure focuses on enhancing the appearance of your smile by reshaping the gum line to reveal more of your natural teeth

Laser-Assisted Crown Lengthening:

Our advanced laser technology provides precise and minimally invasive crown lengthening procedures, reducing discomfort and recovery time.

Why Choose Dr Cicero for Crown Lengthening:

Experienced Dental Team: Our skilled and experienced dental professionals specialize in crown lengthening procedures, ensuring precise and effective treatment.

Advanced Technology:

We utilize state-of-the-art technology, including dental lasers, to enhance the accuracy and comfort of our procedures.

Personalized Care:

Your treatment plan is customized to your unique needs and goals, ensuring optimal results.

Patient Comfort:

We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the crown lengthening process, from consultation to post-operative care.

Comprehensive Services:

In addition to crown lengthening, our clinic offers a wide range of dental services to address all your oral health needs.

FAQ on Crown Lengthening
Is crown lengthening a painful procedure?

Crown lengthening is typically performed under local anesthesia to numb the area, so you should not feel significant pain during the procedure. Some discomfort and swelling may occur after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter painkillers and lifestyle changes. Dr.Cicero will leave you with precise instructions after your procedure is complete.

How long does the recovery period for crown lengthening take?

The recovery period for crown lengthening can vary from person to person, but most individuals can expect some mild discomfort and swelling for a few days to a week after the procedure. If you follow the provided post-surgical instructions, it shouldn’t take much longer than that.

Are there any risks associated with crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is generally a safe procedure when performed by a qualified dental professional like Dr.Cicero. However, as with any surgery, there are some risks, including infection, bleeding, and post-operative discomfort. Dr.Cicero will discuss these risks with you before the procedure.

Will crown lengthening affect the appearance of my smile?

Crown lengthening is typically done to expose more of the tooth’s surface for restorative or cosmetic purposes. While it may initially result in a temporary change in your smile’s appearance due to swelling, the long-term effect should enhance the appearance of your smile, especially if it is done in preparation for other dental procedures like crowns or veneers.

How do I know if crown lengthening is right for me?

After a consultation with Dr.Cicero, he will assess your needs and overall health to see if you’re a suitable candidate for this procedure. 

Is crown lengthening covered by dental insurance?

Whether crown lengthening is covered by dental insurance can vary depending on your insurance plan and the reason for the procedure. In some cases, it may be partially covered if it is deemed medically necessary. Check with your dental insurance provider to understand your coverage.

How much does crown lengthening cost?

The cost of crown lengthening can vary based on factors such as the number of teeth involved, the extent of the procedure, and more. To receive a more precise cost estimate, please get in touch with our staff. 

How do I schedule a consultation for crown lengthening?

If you are interested in our crown lengthening services, please schedule a first consultation with Dr.Cicero by filling in the form at the bottom of this page or give us a call.

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